St. Mary the Virgin Cuddington

Tel: 020 8337 4026


Safeguarding & Child Protection

At St. Mary’s Cuddington we take the protection of the children and vulnerable adults in our care very seriously. We follow the Church of England “Promoting a Safer Church” Policy Statement, national policies and practice guidance approved by the House of Bishops. 

Please watch our St Mary's Church Safeguarding Interview Video

Cuddington Parish Safeguarding Policy

Every year, the Parochial Church Council adopt a Parish Safeguarding Policy

The Children's and Youth Group Leaders have up to date Disclosure and receive training, where appropriate.

How to report a safeguarding concern

Anyone concerned about a safeguarding matter can contact:

Elena Hough, the Parish Safeguarding Officer can be contacted via the Parish Office on 020 8337 4026 or

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Jackie Broadfoot on 07918 559387 or by email.

Are you a survivor or victim of church related abuse?

If you a survivor or victim of church related abuse, there is a document available here.

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